Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Getting bigger...

I know this picture is on Emma's blog, but I really wanted to post a picture of my tummy! I am 27 weeks tomorrow! I am so excited for this little girl to get here! I am not excited for the glucose test that I have to go take tomorrow, but other than that life is GREAT! I am working on getting Troy to scan my ultra-sound pictures in so that I can post them. Hopefully he will get around to it soon! School is almost over, so that is pretty exciting too! I have finally started reading... it really is addicting! My wonderful sis-in-laws convinced me to start reading the Twilight books and I am finally on book 4! I really enjoy reading them and I am going to be sad when it ends. I will have to find another series to get addicted to! Troy found out that he will be able to graduate after the first summer session of school! He is really excited to FINALLY be done with his AA... then we get to move on to a Masters... urghh!


  1. How exciting for you!! Danae started moving like crazy when I took the glucose test. Have fun!!

  2. I am so excited that you posted. I am happy that you are getting into the Twilight series. I can't believe that you are on book 4 already. We will have to chat when I come up for Easter. Hope all goes well for you and the baby tomorrow.
